Thursday, again?!?

Maybe it's these pandemic / quarantine / lockdown times - but it seems like every time I turn around it's Thursday again!?!  I have a tendency to front load my week with business tasks, then I finally get to the jewelry-making. . . . you know, the designing, fabricating, torch-wielding, and bench-working . . . towards the back half of the week.  (aka all the stuff involved in actually making the jewelry!) 

This week, I spent a decent amount of time on quarterly tax filing, financial analysis, listing products on-line, and yesterday I worked on my website flow. If you have a website, you know there is always something to do!  It's truly amazing how many hats a small, micro business owner must wear.  It's fun, but it's grueling and less than glamorous at the same time.  Honestly, I should cut myself some slack and be happy that I'm finally ready to focus on jewelry-making on [yet another] Thursday!

So what's on the docket left to accomplish this week?    

  • I have some shark's teeth charms to solder, polish and photograph.  If you follow me on Instagram @petersonmade, you probably remember the found sharks teeth fossils I created a mold for, then I transformed them into sterling silver with the lost-wax casting method.  So fun! 
  • I have a few repairs to complete.  One of my clients asked me to repair and upsize 2 fine jewelry rings in her collection.  First up is a Cascading Diamond & Gold Marquis Ring that I have already cleaned and it's now ready to be resized, and on deck is an Emerald & Diamond Cluster Ring that still needs a deep, thorough (but very gentle!) cleaning, followed by a resizing.  Both are going up 1.5 sizes.  Extra precautions must be taken for the Emerald, so I'm taking my time on that one. Lastly, I have a sterling silver necklace chain replacement to complete for another client.  
  • Component prep + a Powder Coating Session.  I have a few new earring designs that combine geometric powder-coated shapes with metal.  So I have several pieces of metal already cut and formed, and just waiting for some final TLC.  Plus I have a First Born Skull Ring, that a client has asked me to powder coat in a Satin Black as well. (I can't wait to see this one finished!) The Powder Coating set up takes a minute, so I like to make sure that I have enough pieces ready to make it all worth while.  

Not bad, right?  (Ha!). As much as I'm feeling behind, I will feel pretty accomplished if I can finish all of the above by the end of this work week, which is actually Saturday for me.  

Maybe I need to try something new though. Instead of being surprised it's Thursday [again] - perhaps I should start a new trend of saying "Cheers!  It's Thursday!" and celebrate all that I've accomplished vs. feeling behind.  (It's actually a great idea!). Who's with me?