What a strange, but wonderful 12 months it's been . . .


Scrolling through my camera this AM, I ran across a video and pic of the custom baby stats pendant I made last year, and in an instant a slew of life-changing milestones rushed in! 


What a strange but wonderful 12 months it’s been. . . I resigned from a corporate gig, I escaped to Maine for 2 weeks of recovery by creativity & nature, I navigated my Mom entering hospice then ultimately leaving this earth, we celebrated our eldest daughter’s wedding & welcomed a new son-in-law, and all while falling in love & watching our granddaughter grow in her 1st year with awe (+ seeing our youngest & her husband grow into the best mommy & daddy) 🖤 

Time creeps so slowly as you walk the walk, but goodness! - when you are able to look back, you realize how quickly life shifts in a short 12 months. Even in the midst of loss, painful personal & family change, and loss of social life as we’ve always known it - there still is beauty, goodness & gratitude. I’m thankful for it all, even though it wasn’t all happy or easy - but I guess that’s the point. Without pain and loss, you don’t realize how sweet and special life’s gifts and high points truly are. 

Cheers to rising above it all, and allowing yourself a moment to see it. Happy Sunday friends. I wish you a moment of reflection and gratitude today as well. 🖤